Top 500 to 100 Selection Process

From Top 500 to Top 100 Selection Process

Congratulations on making it to the Top 500 of Youth Ideathon 2024! Your innovative ideas and hard work have brought you this far. We are excited to announce the next phase of the competition: the Top 100 Selection.

To ensure the most promising ideas advance, we will be evaluating your teams based on several key factors. These are:

1. Sales and Investment raised on The Kid Company Platform:
A. Demonstrate your ability to attract customers and generate revenue, or raise investments for your innovation. We will analyze sales and investment amount, number of unique customers / investors, customer / investor feedback.

B. Listings for Sale / Investment on The Kid Company can started now, but not later than 20th Sept 2024.

C. You are advised to secure your unique URL on The Kid Company as early as possible to enable you with your teams marketing and promotional activities.

D. ⁠The sale / investment window shall open on 16th Sept 2024 and close at 11:59pm of 30th Sept 2024.

E. All funds / sale is first received in The Kid Company account and transferred to student account on weekly basis For fund raise, amounts raised upto Rs 10,000 shall be immediately transferred. If amount raised is more than Rs. 10,000; the first Rs. 10,000 is transferred immediately. Subsequent transfers are based on progress made in the project in tranches of Rs. 10,000. The progress shall be monitored by Youth Ideathon Team for 6 months, If progress stops, then balance amounts shall be returned to the investors

2. Product / Service Offer Pitch Video
Teams must submit a 2 minute video latest by 5pm of 16th Sep 2024. This shall be reviewed by a panel of expert judges.

Click here to watch the Video on How to make a product pitch

3. Promotional Poster and Reel

A. You also have to make a minimum one Poster and one Reel with your UID mentioned clearly and a link to your innovation listed on The Kid Company Platform.

B. This should be uploaded on Instagram. If you are under-age, then you must take help of your parents / mentors account. Please make The Kid Company on Instagram as a collaborator.

C. ⁠Share your posters and reels on Instagram, using the hashtag #YouthIdeathonTop500 #iStartupAGoodThing4India

D. We will evaluate Instagram and other social media (with hashtag search) engagement from 17th Sept 2028 to 29th Sept 2028 to assign a Popularity Score.

4. Team Interviews shall be conducted between 21st Sept and 30th Sept and rated.

The Top 100 teams will be selected based on a combination of these factors.

Organising Committee
Youth Ideathon 2024

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