How technology is Empowering India’s Youth

Imagine Anushka, a teenager from a rural village in Rajasthan. Her dream is to become a graphic designer, but the closest college and university are hundreds of miles away. While entering technology with a smartphone in hand and subsidized internet access thanks to initiatives like Digital India, Anushka can now attend online lectures by renowned professors, access different graphics, and connect with mentors across the country. Anushka’s story isn’t unique it’s a testament to how technology is transforming the lives of India’s youth, empowering them to dream big and bridge the gaps that once seemed insurmountable. The field of graphic designing itself is result of the new technology.

The question arises how tech things are empowering the youth? Some of the reasons are stated here Knowledge at your Fingertips: Nowadays it not the time of limited access to information. Educational apps, online courses, and digital libraries have freed knowledge. No longer restricted by geography or socioeconomic background, young people can delve into subjects that excite them, becoming self-taught programmers, budding artists, or even future climate scientists.

Skilling Up for the Future: The job market is evolving rapidly. Technological platforms are equipping young minds with the skills they need to have. From coding bootcamps to online certifications in data science and digital marketing, these courses are making them job-ready and competitive in the global arena. In this graphic designing is also a part of Digital Marketing. The medium by which we are able to connect is also a fruit of the technological enhancement which have
took place.

The Rise of the Young Entrepreneur: India’s rushing startup ecosystem is being fueled up by young innovators like you and me. Affordable mobile internet and government initiatives like Startup India have created a breeding ground for creativity. These young entrepreneurs are tackling social issues and developing solutions in areas like healthcare, agriculture, and education, proving that age is just a number when it comes to impactful ideas. On the stage of ThinkStartup we are obliged to have these kind of facilities so as to innovate and upgrade our present and future self.

A Voice on the World Stage: Social media platforms have become a powerful tool for social change. Young Indians are using their voices to raise awareness about critical issues, from environmental protection to gender equality. These online communities allow them to connect with like-minded individuals across the globe fostering collaboration and driving positive change. Globalisation is a gigantic communication amongst the countries.

Technology’s impact isn’t without its challenges. Issues like digital literacy, unequal access to internet connectivity and online safety concerns need to be addressed. However the potential for positive change is undeniable. Here’s what you can do to be a part of this exciting journey of digital India and tech-India….

Bridge the gap: If you have access to technology, consider mentoring a young person in your community. Share your knowledge and help them navigate the digital landscape. Don’t be discouraged or disheartened if you aren’t able to fulfill the requirements of a particular person. You shouldn’t let the sense of superiority take the control over yourself.

Support young entrepreneurs: Look for innovative startups led by young minds and consider investing in their ideas even if it’s just spreading the word. Venture Capital is also a term which is widely used where the angel investor invests in a specific company but with that there comes some consequences of it.

Embrace lifelong learning: Technology is constantly evolving. Commit to continuous learning to stay informed and inspire the younger generation. Be the one who’s ever ready to learn new things which could be related to technology or any other aspects.

India’s young population is a force to be reckoned with. By providing them with the right tools and fostering a supportive environment, we can empower them to become not just

tech-savvy, but change-driven individuals who will shape a brighter future for themselves and the nation. Remember Anushka’s dream of becoming a graphic designer is just one story amongst millions. With technology as their ally, the possibilities for India’s youth are truly limitless. As a whole we can survive tech-savy world.

by Parvi Aggarwal (YI Intern 2024)

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